Sponde-BATTUTA-2_Anteo sponde idrauliche made in Italy

Cantilever lifts


Capacity: 600 kg.
The REP CL 06 LR cantilever tail-lifts with manual opening are the ideal tail-lifts for logistic companies, vehicle rental companies and tool hire companies.
REP CL 06 LR is very light and compact.



Capacity: 750 kg.
The 3-cylinder F3CL076 is a light compact lift with high simplicity, low maintenance cost and attractive pricing ideal to equip rental vehicles and light duty commercial vehicles. The F3CL076 is available with



Capacity: 750 kg.
The 2-cylinder F3MH075 - F3MHX075 - with Half platform are light compact lifts with high simplicity, low maintenance cost and attractive


Capacity: 800 kg.
The 5 cylinders F3CL 080 is a very light strong and compact lift, with very high performances. Platform Powered opening that gives high speed of platform opening even with very low


Capacity: 1000 kg.
The 5 cylinders F3CL 10 are very strong lifts, with very high performances for intensive usage. It is ideal for the most demanding applications in the regular transport.

sponde idrauliche anteo_F3CLF1


Capacity: 1500 kg.
Anteo tail-lift, Fridge series, for insulated vans without rear doors: Less weight, more useful capacity on the vehicle, faster unloading, and therefore more



Capacity: 1700 kg.
The cantilever tail-lift F3 CL 17 HL AB is the ideal tail-lift for vehicles with drawbar couplings. The tail-lift has under rear bumper that can be


Capacity: 1700 kg.
The 5 cylinders F3CL 17 are very strong lifts, with very high performances for intensive usage. It is ideal for the most demanding applications


Capacity: 2000 kg.
Anteo tail-lift, Fridge series, for insulated vans without rear doors:
Less weight, more useful capacity on the vehicle, faster unloading, and therefore more



Capacity: 2200 kg.
The cantilever tail-lift F3 CL 17-22 HL AB is the ideal tail-lift for vehicles with drawbar couplings. The tail-lift has under rear bumper that can be


Capacity: 2200 kg.
The 5 cylinders F3CL 22 are very strong lifts, with very high performances for intensive usage. It is ideal for the most demanding applications

anteo_F3CL30_Anteo sponde idrauliche made in Italy


Capacity: 3000 kg.
The 5 cylinders F3CL 30 is a very power lift, heavy duty task with very high performances for intensive usage. The robust frame with reinforced strong articulation pins and big cylinders is designed


Capacity: 3000 kg.
The tail lift F3 CLA30 is the ideal tail lift for use in animals transportation. F3 CLA30 is suitable for trucks,semi-trailers and vehicle with low drawbar coupling.

Aggiungi funzionalità alla tua sponda

Accessori per sponde idrauliche

Le sponde Anteo prevedono, di serie, molteplici funzionalità che permettono un utilizzo agevole e sicuro delle sponde. Sono disponibili, su richiesta, una vasta gamma di accessori dedicati per migliorare le performance.

Una sicurezza in più per il tuo lavoro

Anteo Smart Safe

Anteo, da sempre attenta alle norme di sicurezza, alla tutela dei propri allestitori ed alla sicurezza degli operatori, con il recepimento della normativa EN1756-1 si pone ai vertici Europei relativamente alla sicurezza operativa delle proprie sponde caricatrici.

Il dispositivo Smart Safe, disponibile a richiesta e installabile su tutti i modelli di sponda, consente di monitorare la posizione del pianale quando la sponda non è in funzione. 

Il dispositivo avvisa il conducente, tramite un segnale luminoso in cabina, qualora il pianale non sia più nella sua corretta posizione di riposo.